Molson Cases 2 & 3

Thursday was a long and exhausting day for Modson competitors with two complex cases to consider. TeamMaine ended the day with two close decisions in favor of competitors St. Mary’s University and the University of Pittsburgh.
The second case was “Technology Plus: Moving Forward” focused on finance. The firm, Technology Plus, had experienced great growth through strategic acquisitions and the teams were asked to make a recommendation as to how far and how fast Technology Plus should expand, and where to obtain the necessary financing to ensure success. The fact that the three owner-executives of the firm did not get along well together added much to the complexity of the case.
Case 3 was “ABC Bank”. Known in the competition as the “short” case, these cases are traditionally either crisis and/or “think-on-your-feet” in nature. The case this year concerned the structure and donation policy of a U.S. bank in the aftermath of the recent financial crisis. With only 1 hour and 45 minutes to prepare, participants were asked to present a comprehensive philanthropy plan to the ABC Bank’s board.
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